Media Invitation: Technical briefing on the next steps of the Study. May 22, 2012
Canada’s Capital Region – The National Capital Commission (NCC), the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) and the Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ) invite the media to attend a technical briefing on the next steps of the Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to identify a future interprovincial crossing in the National Capital Region.
DATE: | Thursday, May 24, 2012 10 am |
LOCATION: | National Capital Commission 40 Elgin Street Room 702 (7th floor) Ottawa, Ontario |
WHO: | Raynald Ledoux, Ing., Roche Christopher Gordon, P. Eng., Genivar |
WHAT: | 1. Study update and presentation of the next steps of Phase 2B 2. Unveiling of the details and objectives of round 2 public consultation |
Phase 2A of the Environmental Assessment Study of Interprovincial Crossings: Public Consultations Completed; Final Documents Released, May 26, 2010
Canada’s Capital Region — As the completion of Phase 2A of the Interprovincial Crossings Environmental Assessment approaches, Co-Entreprise AECOM-Delcan announced today that it has posted on the Study’s website, final versions of the key reports it was commissioned to develop. The reports include:
- The Study Design, which outlines the process and methodology that will be used in the next and final phase of the environmental assessment, Phase 2B, to select an interprovincial bridge crossing in the Region’s east end; and
- The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act Scoping Report, which provides details on the project and scope of assessment for Phase 2B.
Also posted was a Consultation Summary Report outlining how public consultation at Phase 2A helped inform and shape the two reports. Several opportunities were built-in at Phase 2A to allow communities, members of the public and stakeholders to provide their input into the development of the Study Design and Scoping report. Consultation activities began in December 2009 and comments were accepted up until April 16, 2010. Opportunities to provide comment included:
- Two public sessions held in Ottawa on March 30 and in Gatineau on March 31 (total attendance was over 250)
- Three meetings with the Public Consultation Group (comprised of over 125 members representing 93 organizations with a regional interest in the Study)
- One online consultation exercise (completed by 159 respondents from Ottawa and Gatineau)
- Three meetings with First Nations leaders and representatives
- Ongoing opportunities via comment sheets, mail, fax, email and other means (resulting in hundreds of submissions).
In an additional effort to be proactive and innovative, the Consultant Team also held the following meetings with leaders and residents of communities that stand to be directly or indirectly impacted by a future crossing:
- Six meetings with Community Consultation Groups (CCG), representing communities located within or adjacent to one of the three corridors under consideration;
- Two meetings for Ottawa`s east-end and Lowertown communities, to discuss concerns raised by community leaders regarding truck traffic and the potential impact on commuting times, quality of life, health and safety, etc.
Phase 2A will be completed at the end of June 2010. All comments received from the public and stakeholders have been given full consideration. As part of the Consultation Program’s reporting efforts, the Consultant Team will present their findings and the Final Study Design and Scoping Report at the following three public events:
- June 2: City of Ottawa Transportation Committee
- June 8: Ville de Gatineau Comité plenier
- June 29: NCC Board of Directors Meeting.
Details of the three meetings will be posted on the websites of the meeting hosts.
Phase 2B is anticipated to begin at the end of 2010. The approvals process for the EA Study is expected to extend until the end of 2013.
The Study is funded by the National Capital Commission (NCC), the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) and the ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ), and guided by a Study Team consisting of the funding partners and the cities of Ottawa and Gatineau. The three corridors under consideration are those that obtained the highest ranking during Phase 1 of the Study: Kettle Island (Corridor 5); Lower Duck Island (Corridor 6); and Gatineau Airport/McLaurin Bay (Corridor 7).
Upcoming Public Consultations on the Interprovincial Crossings Environmental Assessment Study, March 19, 2010
Canada’s Capital Region — On Tuesday, March 30 and Wednesday, March 31, Public Sessions will be held in Ottawa and Gatineau, respectively, as part of Phase 2A of the Interprovincial Crossings Environmental Assessment (EA) Study. Members of the public will be given an opportunity to provide input on the draft Study Design report (process and methodology) that will be used at Phase 2B, the Study’s concluding phase, to identify a recommended bridge crossing in the Region’s east end.
The communities of Ottawa and Gatineau are invited to review information boards, consult with Study experts, and provide comment on the draft Study Design report, anytime between 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the following locations:
Ottawa | Gatineau |
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Ottawa City Hall – Jean Pigott Hall 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, ON |
Wednesday, March 31, 2010 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Maison du Citoyen – Agora 25, rue Laurier, Gatineau, QC |
The Study is made up of two phases. Phase 1, which was completed in January 2009, looked at a number of corridors throughout the Region. Now at Phase 2, the Study is looking more closely at the three locations which received the highest ratings at Phase 1. The mandate of Phase 2A, the current stage, is to consult with members of the public and stakeholders to develop a Study Design and a Canadian Environmental Assessment Act Scoping Document. The Study Design will include a process and methodology that will be used at Phase 2B to identify a recommended crossing location. No decision on the bridge location will be taken at Phase 2A.
This Study is being led by the funding partnership of the National Capital Commission (NCC), the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) and the ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ). It is being guided by a Study Team consisting of the funding partners and the cities of Ottawa and Gatineau. A consultant team lead by Co-Enterprise AECOM-Delcan has been retained for Phase 2A.
Phase 2A of the Environmental Assessment Study of Interprovincial Crossings: Plans Released for Public Consultations – February 10, 2010
Canada’s Capital Region — The Co-Enterprise AECOM-Delcan (the Consultant Team), selected to lead Phase 2A of the Interprovincial Crossings Environmental Assessment, announced today the details of its Public Engagement Plan. In keeping with the commitment for public consultation, the Plan includes several opportunities for stakeholders and members of the public to provide input on the project. Information that is gathered during these consultations will be used in the development of a Study Design (process and methodology) and in the remaining phase of the environmental assessment, Phase 2B, to select an interprovincial bridge crossing in the Region’s east end.
Given the importance of this project and the implications that a new interprovincial crossing will have on the National Capital Region’s vibrancy, economy and landscape for well into the future, comments from the public will be given full consideration when developing a selection process that will lead to the best decision possible on the future bridge’s location.
The Phase 2A Public Engagement Plan focuses on interactive exchanges with the public and stakeholders, which includes an online component, two public sessions to be held in the City of Ottawa and Ville de Gatineau in early spring (details to be announced at a later date), and a series of three stakeholder meetings through the Public Consultation Group (PCG). A number of meetings have also been planned with First Nations representatives.
In an effort to be proactive and innovative, the Consultant Team will also hold Community Consultation Group (CCG) meetings, a new forum for consulting directly with members of those communities that are adjacent or in proximity to the three corridors under consideration.
Workshops will be held with several resident associations from Ottawa and Gatineau that meet the Community Consultation Group criteria and that are interested in working collaboratively with the Consultant Team to provide input into the Study. The purpose of this collaboration will be to identify values which are characteristic of the participating community. These values will then be taken into consideration during the development of Phase 2B’s ‘Community Value Plans’, designed to help identify and tailor appropriate and relevant measures to minimize and/or mitigate any environmental effects that a new crossing might have on that community. This analysis will in turn be used as part of the overall methodology developed to select the new crossing location.
The Public Engagement Plan is comprised of four main steps:
- Launch Activities (since November 2009): Activities to inform the public and stakeholders of the Study launch, Phases 2A and 2B objectives, and opportunities for input;
- Input (February to March 2010): Interactive activities designed to seek input into the draft Study Design and Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) Scoping Documents;
- Refine (April 2010): Interactive activities designed to refine the draft Study Design and (CEAA) Scoping Documents;
- Report (May to June 2010): Activities to promote the Final Study Design and Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) Scoping Documents. Includes a project wrap-up and reporting of what was heard at stakeholder and public consultations.
Phase 2A is scheduled to be completed in June 2010. This will be followed by the selection of a consultant for Phase 2B; this process is currently scheduled to be completed in Fall 2010. It is expected that Phase 2B will be completed in Winter 2012, and the approvals process following completion of the EA Study is expected to extend to Winter 2013.
The Study is funded by the National Capital Commission (NCC), the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) and the ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ), and guided by a Study Team consisting of the funding partners and the cities of Ottawa and Gatineau. The three corridors under consideration are those that obtained the highest ratings during Phase 1 of the Study: Kettle Island (Corridor 5); Lower Duck Island (Corridor 6); and Gatineau Airport/McLaurin Bay (Corridor 7).
To access more details on Phase 2A Community Engagement Plan, please click here.
Canada’s Capital Region – The National Capital Commission (NCC), the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) and the Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ) today announced that Co-enterprise AECOM – Delcan will lead the first step of the next phase of the Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to identify a future interprovincial crossing in the National Capital Region. The three highest rated corridors (Kettle Island, Lower Duck Island and Gatineau Airport/McLaurin Bay) will be assessed in the Phase 2 Study.
In a revised process, the Study’s funding partners divided the second phase into two steps:
- Phase 2A will provide the framework for the EA Study and will ensure opportunities for public consultation; and
- Phase 2B will be the completion of the environmental assessment process.
Following a competitive procurement process led by NCC, in partnership with MTO and MTQ, and input from the City of Ottawa and Ville de Gatineau, Co-enterprise AECOM – Delcan was awarded the contract. They will carry out Phase 2A in accordance with the objectives and requirements of the Request for Proposal.
For Phase 2A, Co-enterprise AECOM – Delcan will be responsible for developing the following:
- A Summary Report on review and analysis of background data;
- A Summary Report on correspondence received from the public during the period between completion of the Phase 1 Study and the commencement of work on the Phase 2 EA Study;
- The EA Study Design Report, including public consultation report; and
- The Scoping Document under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act process: Scope of Project and Scope of Assessment Report, for posting on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry.
Consistent with NCC’s practice and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, public consultations will be an essential feature of Phase 2A because they will shape the completion of the Environmental Assessment Study in Phase 2B. Public consultations for Phase 2A of the Study are scheduled to begin early in 2010.
Phase 2A is currently scheduled to be completed in June 2010.
Canada’s Capital Region – Today, the National Capital Commission (NCC), the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) and the Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ) announced that the consultants of ROCHE-NCE, have released their findings from Phase 1 of the Environmental Assessment of Interprovincial Crossings in the National Capital Region.
The summary report and the technical appendices and record of public consultations of the final report from Phase 1 of the Environmental Assessment (EA) are now available on the study website at You will find attached a summary of the report recommendations.
These findings are the result of technical studies, analysis and extensive community input that began in January 2007 and finished in October 2008. The Technical Committee which involves several representatives from different levels of government, technical experts and consultants carefully evaluated all ten corridors included in the study. All these options were evaluated in accordance to 90 criteria based on social environment, transportation, natural environment and cost perspectives.
The results determined that a new crossing is required within the 20 year planning horizon, and that the Kettle Island corridor (Corridor 5) is the technically preferred location to meet all the objectives of the EA Study.
In the upcoming weeks, the consultants will present their technical conclusions and recommendations to study partners for consideration and decision before proceeding to Phase 2 of the Environmental Assessment Study. During Phase 2, social, economic, heritage and transportation effects of the Kettle Island corridor will be assessed in detail along with measures to minimize and, or mitigate the effects.
Canada’s Capital Region Today, the National Capital Commission (NCC), the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO), the Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ), and the consultants, ROCHE-NCE, released the Consultants’ preliminary findings from the Environmental Assessment of Interprovincial Crossings in the National Capital Region. These draft findings are presented for public consideration and consultation during the fourth round of public consultation scheduled on September 23 and 24, in Ottawa and Gatineau respectively. The draft findings are the result of technical studies, analysis and community input that began in January 2007. A total of ten interprovincial corridors were evaluated and ranked by a technical evaluation committee comprised of a diverse group of representatives from all levels of government, technical stakeholders and the consultants.All alternatives within the ten corridors were evaluated using almost 100 criteria from transportation, natural environment, social environment, and cost perspectives, and results identify the Kettle Island corridor as a first priority project for implementation and for more detailed assessment in the subsequent phase two environmental assessment.The public will have opportunities to comment on the draft findings during the fourth round of public consultation to be convened as follows:
Gatineau, QUEBEC Ottawa, ONTARIO
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Maison du Citoyen (Agora) Lansdowne Park (Salon A)
25 Laurier St. 1015 Bank St.
Open House Open House
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Presentation Presentation
7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Questions and Comments Questions and Comments
7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Following the public consultation, the consultants will present their technical conclusions and recommendations to study partners for consideration and decision before proceeding to phase two of the environmental assessment study. During phase two, social, economic, heritage and transportation effects and mitigation measures of the technically preferred priority corridor will be assessed in detail.
Canada’s Capital Region – The National Capital Commission (NCC), the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO), the Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ), and the consultants, ROCHE-NCE, will hold a third round of public consultation sessions for the Environmental Assessment Study of future Interprovincial crossings in Canada’s Capital Region, on June 11 and 17, 2008 in Gatineau and Ottawa.
The objective of this public consultation is to provide the public with a greater understanding of how the 10 potential interprovincial crossings will be evaluated. Information will be shared on traffic forecasts, interprovincial truck trips, evaluation criteria, and how the options will be evaluated.
This summer, the study team, with representatives from key agencies, experts and consultants will complete the technical exercise to evaluate and rank the alternatives. The technically preferred alternative(s) will be presented to the public later in 2008.
Canada’s Capital Region – The National Capital Commission (NCC), the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO), the Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ), and the consultants, ROCHE-NCE, will hold an additional public consultation in June 2008 in Ottawa and Gatineau. Details of these consultations will be communicated to the public when available.
Canada’s Capital Region – The National Capital Commission (NCC), the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO), the Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ), and the consultants, ROCHE-NCE, are inviting members of the public to provide their feedback on all proposed corridors at the next round of public consultations for the Interprovincial Crossings Environmental Assessment in Canada’s Capital Region, from February 12 to 25, 2008, in Ottawa and Gatineau.
During these consultation sessions, members of the public will have the opportunity to comment and share their input on various data related to the evaluation of the ten proposed corridors such as environmental inventories and constraints, current traffic analyses, alternative solutions, preliminary alignments and preliminary evaluation criteria. The feedback obtained will be included as part of the evaluation process of the potential interprovincial crossings corridors.
These consultations will allow all criteria and data to be considered before the study team proceeds with the final evaluation of the corridors. Members of the public will be able to further comment on the technical recommendations of the preferred corridor(s) to address the National Capital Region interprovincial transportation needs at a next round of consultation sessions that will be scheduled later in 2008 (details to be confirmed).
Alignments of the ten corridors to be evaluated as well as criteria and data are available on the Study website (Exhibits 7.0 MB).
This Environmental Assessment Study of future interprovincial crossings in the National Capital Region is a joint study managed by the three partners (National Capital Commission, Ontario Ministry of Transportation and ministère des Transports du Québec) with the technical support of the cities of Ottawa and Gatineau. ROCHE-NCE joint venture is currently completing phase one of the study. During phase one, the study team examines the need for new interprovincial crossings, evaluate alternative planning solutions, and evaluate potential interprovincial crossing corridors. Phase two of the study will include the Environmental Assessment of the preferred corridor(s) identified in phase one of the study, identification of mitigation measures, preparation of preliminary designs, and completion of an Environmental Assessment report.
Members of the public and interest groups can visit the study website for more information on the study and public consultations.
The Interprovincial EA Study has received input from the public and government agencies on the draft Terms of Reference (ToR) that was circulated in the Spring of 2007. This has included meetings with agencies, six public consultation events in June 2007 and pre-submission review with Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment. Based on comments received, the final Terms of Reference has been prepared.
Graphics: Corridors, Short-listed corridors
Canada’s Capital Region – The National Capital Commission (NCC), the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO), the Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ), and the consultants, ROCHE-NCE, were pleased to announce that the first round of public consultation for the Interprovincial Crossings Environmental Assessment in Canada’s Capital Region will be held from June 6 to June 18, 2007, in Ottawa and Gatineau.
Canada’s Capital Region – The National Capital Commission (NCC), the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) and the Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ) today announced the names of the four proponents who will be asked to submit a formal proposal to implement phase one of an environmental assessment (EA) study of future interprovincial crossings in Canada’s Capital Region.
Canada’s Capital Region – The Honourable Mauril Bélanger, Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Member of Parliament for Ottawa-Vanier, along with the Honourable Benoît Pelletier, Quebec Minister responsible for Canadian Intergovernmental Affairs, on behalf of the Honourable Yvon Marcoux, Quebec Minister of Transportation, and the Honourable Madeleine Meilleur, Ontario Minister of Culture, on behalf of the Honourable Harinder S. Takhar, Ontario Minister of Transportation, today announced funding for an inter-provincial environmental assessment study for two new crossings between Ottawa and Gatineau.