A vital component of this Study is to engage a broad spectrum of interested individuals and organizations using innovative and interactive consultation activities. The consultation activities have therefore been structured to solicit input from three perspectives:
- The Regional Perspective, which allows for discussion of broad topics related to the selection of a crossing and how it will impact the National Capital Region (NCR);
- The Corridor Community Perspective, which allows for discussion of corridor-specific issues and the appropriateness and/or effectiveness of proposed mitigation measures; and
- The Affected Community Perspective, which allows for discussion with those that are not located in immediate proximity to a corridor but that will be affected by a future interprovincial crossing.
The Study Design Report for Phase 2B details a comprehensive Public Consultation Program that consists of four distinct Rounds of public consultation.
Phase 2B – Round 1 Public Consultation (completed)
Round 1 had the goal of capturing the communities’ priorities and values, and of promoting the launch of Phase 2B of the Study. The Round 1 Public Consultation Report is available on the Resources Page.
The Study is currently undertaking the Round 2 Public Consultation.
Phase 2B – Round 2 Public Consultation (Comment period ended on July 5th, 2012)
In Round 2 of the Public Consultation Program, the public will have the opportunity to review the functional designs of the Technically Preferred Alignment (TPA) within each corridor and the steps taken to develop the TPA. All information will be contained on panels displayed at the consultation sessions; there will be no formal presentations. Study team members will be at both sessions to answer questions and provide background. The objective of the Round 2 Consultation will be to solicit the public’s input into the evaluation factors (definition and weighting) and to refine the functional design of each alignment in each Corridor and mitigation measures to fit with the identified community values.
Round 2 Public Consultation Sessions
Round 2 Public Consultation sessions will be held at the following locations, pre-registration is not required:
QUEBEC – Gatineau Tuesday, June 5, 2012 Maison du Citoyen 25 rue Laurier Gatineau, QC Open House 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. |
ONTARIO – Ottawa Tuesday, June 12, 2012 Shenkman Arts Centre – Lower Lobby 245 Centrum Boulevard Orleans, ON Open House 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. |
The following information will be available at the Round 2 Public Consultation session:
- Introduction;
- Existing Conditions;
- Functional Designs;
- Evaluation Methodology (factors definition and weighting); and
- Next Steps.
The exhibits and handouts for the Round 2 Public Consultation Sessions are available for your review here.
Web-Based Pair-Wise Comparison of Evaluation Criteria
As stated in the Phase 2A Study Design, two evaluation methods will be utilized in the evaluation of a Technically Recommended Corridor (TRC). Being the weighted evaluation methodology, the Pair-Wise approach will be the primary method for identifying a TRC, whereas the Reasoned Argument approach will be the secondary method used to verify the results of the Pair-Wise method. For more details regarding the Pair-Wise Comparison method, please see the Draft Evaluation Methodology Report available on the Resources page.
The Web-Based Pair-Wise Comparison of Evaluation Criteria survey will guide you through a series of comparisons between the eight (8) Global Factor Groups that will be used in the Pair-Wise evaluation of the three (3) Study Corridors. Following completion of the survey, you will have the chance to review your choices and the resulting weights.
The Web-Based Pair-Wise Comparison of Evaluation Criteria survey will be available online from June 5th to July 5th.
Following Round 2, Roche-Genivar will prepare and post the relevant Consultation Report and will initiate and subsequently report on the comparative evaluation of corridors. The weights collected from the public will be presented to the Evaluation Committee for their information and consideration during the evaluation process.
In Round 3 input will be received on the ranking of the alternative corridors and the evaluation. Round 4 will focus on receiving input on the selected corridor and remaining residual effects.
Previous Consultation (Phases 1 and 2A)
Phase 1 of the Study assessed and confirmed the need and justification for future crossing(s) of the Ottawa River between the City of Ottawa and the City of Gatineau. The Study developed, evaluated and ranked alternative options. This has led to a short list of recommended locations and alignments for the Study of future interprovincial crossings and associated roadway connections.
The primary focus of Phase 2A was to consult with communities, stakeholders and members of the public to obtain their input into the development of the Study Design, a document that outlines the methodology that will be used at Phase 2B to select a future bridge location. No decision on a new bridge location was taken at Phase 2A.
Opportunities to provide comments have included:
Phase 1:
- 12 public meetings and presentations in Ottawa and Gatineau
- 4 rounds of consultations with the following groups:
o Technical Advisory Committee
o Public Consultation Group (PCG)
o External Agencies
o Municipal interests
o First Nations - Written submissions (comment sheets, mail, fax, e-mail or personally delivered) resulting in thousands of individual comments.
Phase 2A:
- 2 public sessions held in Ottawa on March 30 and in Gatineau on March 31 (total attendance was over 250)
- 3 meetings with the Public Consultation Group (comprised of over 125 members representing 93 organizations with a regional interest in the Study)
- 1 online consultation exercise (completed by 159 respondents from Ottawa and Gatineau)
- 3 meetings with First Nations leaders and representatives
- Ongoing opportunities via comment sheets, mail, fax, email and other means (resulting in hundreds of submissions).
In an additional effort to be proactive and innovative, the Consultant Team also held the following meetings with leaders and residents of communities that stand to be directly or indirectly impacted by a future crossing:
- 6 meetings with Community Consultation Groups (CCG), representing communities located within or adjacent to one of the three corridors under consideration;
- 2 meetings withr Ottawa`s east-end and Lowertown communities, to discuss concerns raised by community leaders regarding truck traffic and the potential impact on commuting times, quality of life, health and safety, etc.
Final documentation for Phase 1 and Phase 2A can be accessed here.